Gelastica - "Fight Club"
"Fight Club" - D. starts a fight club which leads to assassination attempts and some of the best viral video special effects...ever.
Gelastica - "Anabolic Monkey Flu"
"Anabolic Monkey Flu" - D. gets a pretty bad case of anabolic monkey flu, and finds out there's only one way to cure it.
Gelastica Sketchlastica - "Colors"
"Colors" - Lots and lots of colors, silent rebellion and old-timey film grain!
Gelastica Short: Klondike Bar
"Klondike Bar" - The guys put together a collage for an online Klondike Bar contest. Vote for Gelastica!
Gelastica Short: Mother's Day
"Mother's Day" - D. forgets to get his mother a Mother's Day present. So Shaq drops by to see if he can help.
Gelastica Short: Whodunit?
"Whodunit?" - C. wakes up to find a dead guy on the floor of his bedroom. So he goes out looking for answers...
Gelastica Short: Pirates
"Pirates" - D. is bummed that he doesn't have any money to see a movie. Maybe there's another way...
Gelastica Short: Shattered Dreams
"Shattered Dreams" - D. has shattered a lot of dreams in his life, but there's one more thing he'd like to try...
Gelastica S01 E05
"Western" - Our hero shoots himself up some money to pay his abandoned wife's farm but bad guys (and the St. Peter Police) have other plans.
Gelastica S01 E06
"A Gelastica Christmas" - Sir Roderick Jaynes reads the classic poem about little Timmy Magoo and the Ghost of Christmas Past.
Gelastica S01 E03
"Smithy Henderson's Nice Day" - From the Gelastica historical vault comes our first silent film.
Gelastica S01 E02
"Running" - D. gets some terrible news about a dying relative. So he runs. And runs. And runs.
Gelastica S01 E01
"The Online Video Blog" - It's been a busy day for J. Just how busy? Take a look...
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